There are many people addicted to seminars, alternative methods, new technology, new researches in hope to achieve their goal
for example:
someone who wants to lose their weight or to get a fit body.
They keep changing their diet from Keto, Plant based, vegetarian, meat diet, intermittent diet and other diets. When there is new “better” diet arise. When most of the diet fail instead of looking why they fail, they blame it on the diet.
Someone who wants to look better they go to an aesthetic doctor to do minor changes and become addicted to plastic surgery because they never feel they are good enough. One cosmetic surgery to another until they are risking their own health and safety.
Someone who wants to be successful in career, they learn all the seminar, listen to all the motivational speakers. Yet they still keep failing because of self sabotage.
This applies to other situation such as when someone tries to stop addiction, release themselves from high stress, get life partner and the list goes on.
When I observed myself, I found that I had the same issue; I kept learning one subject to another, yet I kept sabotaging myself. Until I realized the limiting belief and worked on it.
The will to achieve our goal is just like the intention to plant a flower or plant in a plot of land.
The goal is: the flower/ fruit/plan that we want to grow in that plot of land
The fertilizer is: the knowledge we learn, the seminar we go, the technique, the technology, the supplement we take, the exercise we do, etc.
The plot of land is: part of us
The most important thing which most of us forget is the hidden seeds or hidden roots that existed on the plot of land. This hidden root/seed is all the self limiting belief, the misconception, the fear, etc.
When we don’t clear the plot of land from all the hidden seeds or roots that might be there, and we just plant our desired seeds. The unwanted seeds and root will destroy the outcome you have plan to have.
in our practice, we would always help our clients to clear all the unwanted roots and seeds than we help them plant the goal and help them grow.