Human as a mobile phone

A mobile phone, whether an Android or iPhone, is an item that almost every one of us possesses. Let me use it to create a simple illustration of the challenges we face in life.

singapore hypnotherapy illustration mobile phone

This is what leads people to believe that hypnotherapy is only for those with mental issues. Let’s now use the analogy of a human being as a mobile phone. Just like mobile phones have limited storage, processor, and memory, each person is unique and is the result of their past experiences of pain and pleasure. Instead of only having Android or iPhone operating systems, we have nearly an unlimited number of operating systems.

The question is, if two people lead similar lifestyles, eating the same foods, drinking the same beverages, exercising, working, and engaging in similar activities, why do some fall ill while others do not?

Imagine that for each person, there is a folder called “Body Health.” Inside this folder, there is a separate folder for each organ, such as the heart, intestine, spleen, lung, prostate, brain, eyes, ear, and so on. To simplify the illustration, let us say that every folder can only store 1000 files.

Each folder is responsible for storing specific negative emotions. For example, fear is stored in the intestine folder, anger in the liver folder, and sadness in the lung folder, and so on. Whenever we experience a traumatic or negative experience, depending on the intensity of the negative emotion, one or more files will be stored in the folder. Once the folder is full, the phone will keep alerting us that the “folder is full,” which represents what we call illness. Hence, if we don’t clear the negative emotion files inside the organ folder, we experience what is known as a chronic illness.

Below is another simplified illustration of a common issue we face.

Consider someone who is carrying a lot of past baggage, trauma, depression, anxiety, and unwanted behaviors, resulting in fatigue and inability to perform the things they want to do in life. Imagine a phone with unwanted applications always running in the background. As a result, the phone can’t run the programs it should be running and easily runs out of battery.

Similarly, consider someone who continually learns new knowledge but is ultimately overwhelmed and unable to implement any of the skills. Imagine trying to download an iPhone application onto an Android phone. The phone will reject the application. If you keep downloading or learning new skills without considering if they are compatible with your operating system, you are just taking up space in your storage.

The good news is that you also have a system in your mind that can work as a task manager, file manager, antivirus, firewall, app compatibility manager, and device maintenance program. This system is called your subconscious mind. I act as a facilitator between you and your subconscious mind, helping you to tweak, remove, reinstall, and manage your system to achieve the life goals you desire. Once you understand the power of your mind and realize that you are in control of your own life, the question becomes whether you will live by chance or by design.

If you’re ready to take back control of your life, contact me at for your discovery talk.

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