factor for achieving your goal

Most people will find an outside factor whenever they are not able to achieve their goal.

only if my family supports my vision I will be successful now.

If only I have more support from friends My business will grow more.

If only I have more formal education I will be earning more,

Others outside factor reasoning.

Successful people know the imporance of inner work. Inner factor ( self-worth, limiting belief, saboteur, clarity, determination, core value, subconscious alighnment) is the one of biggest factor that affects whether or not we can achieve our goal. Even in the case of an unsupportive family or friend, when we see it objectively, it is because our determination, confidence, and clarity on the goal that we want to achieve are not strong enough that the doubt of others affects our belief.

In contradiction with our social norm for hard work, we start to notice that hard work might not necessarily be the factor in whether we can achieve our goal.

Imagine if you are building a sand castle near the waves.

goal setting methaphore with sand castle and waves

You can choose to build the sand castle further to ensure you would not be affected by the sea waves, but you decide to work hard and build it near the waves. You keep working hard, with utmost focus, and learning to build the sand castle bigger and stronger. But the waves always destroy your sand castle without fail. This is the same in our goal setting where we work hard, focus, and keep learning, but we are not willing to work on ourselves-saboteur, our self-worth, and our self-limiting belief. 

We would want to invite you to do your inner work to help you to set the goal that is resonate with your inner self and at least double your chance to achieve the goal that you set.

to work with us on your inner work, release your past baggage or achiving your goal book your first self discovery with us here.

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