The purpose of my writing is just the conclusion of what i have learn so far. For some that don’t belief in Law of attraction, the choice is yours, because for me Law of attraction is just like law of gravity which always take effect regardless of our belief and i am not sharing to convinced anyone on the Law of attraction.
On my personal study Law of attraction seems to be money making business for some people rather than educating of the essence on law of attraction. Now there are even a certification on law of attraction and people can claimed them self as a “certified law of attraction GURU”.
Why did I said that ? if we realize that there are a lot of “teachers” or “enthusiast” of Law of attraction preach different concepts, methods and rules.
Some concepts even contradicts with each other.
• New age concept is to be associated with the desire goal. “ visualize the goal as in we are there as the future person“ with the statement such as “ I am receiving 10k dollar a month
• “Ancient mysticism concept is to be dissociated with the desire goal. “ visualize looking at the future us getting the desired goal.“ with the statement such as “ I received the car of my dream on 1 of march 2022”
1. Some teachers is on the line of follow the flow and success to be at ease and in the flow
2. Some teachers is on the line of go against the flow, we are doing the actions that going against the flow to reach where we want to reach. With a saying being comfortable in our uncomfortable zone.
But both have similarity of having the feeling as we are already have it now.
Some use same journal methods with a different way and claim theirs is the right one:
1. 44X4 manifestation write down the desire goal for 44 times a day for 4 straight days
2. 55X5 manifestation write down the desire goal for 55 times a day for 5 straight days
Rules of law of attraction that is contradicts
1. Some people belief our brain don’t know whether we are just visualizing or doing the real action
2. Some people belief although we are doing visualization, we need to do the action in the real world
By looking at what the GURU has shared any of what aligned with you is your choice but one thing that i want to bring up to the surface that if manifestation is a law isn’t it suppose to just have same rules and especially not contradicting with each other? There are tons of manifestation techniques outside which one method work for someone yet not work for others. Which make me think and having the urge to find which one is work and which one is a gimmick.
Which in the end after my further learning and observing, one thing i know for sure that
“ we are not attracting what we desire, want, believe or try to manifest but we always attract what we deserve”
A caterpillar can dream ( visualize ), jump from the tree ( take action ) or climb higher ( go against the flow ) but if the caterpillar not allow itself to evolve and transform into a butterfly it wont ever fly.
Each one of us is a manifestation machine, we cannot NOT manifest. The question is are we manifesting something that we want or something that we don’t want, something that serve us or something that hurt us.
Imagine human is an airplane that built to fly but we are being chained with a heavy anchor that being put on the ground for some people is heavier or more than others
Most of people teaching us to upgrade our machine, how to manifest faster, how to manifest more…
If we keep doing that we are still not manifesting or living up our maximum potential, we might manifest faster but it’s not comfortable. We are still being drag down by the anchor.
Those anchor is our limiting belief, trauma, karma, and other manifestation that holding us back.
Imagine if each of us only have a cup of glass that we need to use to drink throughout our life time.
All of our karma, limiting belief, trauma and other thing now is the dirt, stone, mud on the glass.
The stream of clean water is the manifestation ( money, health, etc )
To drink that water we need to use our glass.
This metaphor also can share why some people is still unhappy though they manifest a lot of money, wealth or health because the cup is dirty, what they drink are the muddy water.
My invitation is, if we are the best manifestation machine before we keep adding methods to attract why we don’t remove the anchor that chained us up from flying. Why we don’t clean our cup to be able to hold more clean water and able to enjoy drinking clean water through our cup rather than drinking the muddy water.
Why clearing ourselves is important?
I believe we all hear or resonate to below stories:
- Someone who always attracted toward the “same wrong person”. No matter how many times he/she find new relationship they always end up with “same wrong person” with different body. this phenomena not because of the “wrong person” always wanted to hurt him/her but it’s due to he/her always attracted toward the same type of person. This can be do to the childhood trauma of their family situation, for example abusive parent which make them subconsciously attracted toward someone who resembled the parent behavior
- Someone who always work in the same working environment that he/she hate no matter how many times he/she change company. The new comapny always start well but for certain reason the company working environment always goes down the hill and reach the same situation as before. This how manifestation happen “Likes attract Likes”
Now how to clear the cup or remove the anchor?
There are many approaches and method to do our self work such hypnotherapy, meditation, mindfullness, CBT, psychotherapy and other modalities
from my own personal experience, i found out what work for me systematically clearing area as bellow:
- Innerchild healing and trauma healing
- Limitting beliefs from the area that you want to work on toward others area in your life
- Consciousness
- Others area you want to work on
We will see the changes on our life story in each and every self clearing phase that we embark. we will have higher self awareness, self esteem, and realize we start to repelled away from toxicity that normally attract us toward something that is positive and constructive for us