One thing that will change your life

There are thousands if not millions of things that self-help books, self-development courses, and motivational talks will recommend us to do to improve our life. it is not just overwhelming but often the tips contradict each other.

for example

some trainers will say ” work on your strength, not your weakness”

some trainers will say “if you don’t work on your weakness is just like a car with have flat tire can your car operate well?”

Just my opinion that if we go to basic and if for a day or a year we can only change one thing in our life I would choose to tame our JUDGE.

When judgement toward ourselves, others, things, and situations are being suspended we will see our life move toward a happier life.

Imagine these few scenarios and realize what make you stress or unhappy:

  • you are on the road and someone cuts you off and drives so fast.
  • you are in the queue to order food and the person in front of you can’t make up his/her mind on what they or want to eat
  • you have studied soo much but you fail because of a silly mistake
  • you are talking to someone who has cheated on your friend
  • you just clean your fav car and it suddenly rains.
  • you message your partner and they haven’t replied for 3 hours

When we observe what happen in our mind, we judge other, ourselves, or situation based on what we expect to happen or our perception, and make us feel bad.

Suppose we release our judgement and just enjoy nature and do the work without any judgement that let us know that we are not entitled to anything. when we reimagine the same scenario again, how would you feel now?

I would just to invite you to tame our judge for a week or two and share with me what changes you realize happen in your life

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