Stress Illustrations

Imagine that our stress endurance is just like a balloon and our negative emotion is just like the air that we will blow into the balloon.

Each time we are feeling stress, worry, anxiety, fear, or any negative emotion, imagine you blowing the balloon once and ensuring that the air never comes out. 

 It is just a matter of time before the balloon will explode if we release none of the air from the balloon.

Just like the illustration, we will always need to release the negative emotions from our mind and body before we “explode” because we cannot handle the pressure that had built up in us.

Most people do not feel comfortable finding help for their mental issues because they do not want to share sensitive information about their past with someone else. Yet, most mainstream mental health support providers require their clients to share the detailed history of their past to help them.

If you are one of them who does not feel comfortable sharing sensitive details of your past, we have great news for you; Here in MiracleOfMinds, we can help you effectively break free from your past without needing you to tell us about your painful history. 

What our clients say about us

“My son has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. In time of crisis he would show withdrawal, avoiding friends and people surround him. He would be agitated and very emotional. Thanks to the sessions of Mandd’s hypnotherapy, after few sessions we could see some improvement. My son is calmer, able to focus more to his study and less impulsive. He is still undergoing his treatment regularly.”


“I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and reached out to Mandd for help. Mandd is professional and helped me to relax during our session together. It was a great journey together and I experienced alot of things in my subconcious mind that we uncovered together. He taught me how to cope and I look forward to getting better. The session is a great way to discover anything in the past that we might have buried or held on too tightly, and learning to let it go.”

Dawn Chan

Lately I have been having anxiety attacks. My heart will start racing, I will start to fear without specific reason, and bad thoughts will even float into my mind. I wanted to see the doctor, but I thought perhaps an alternative treatment might work better for me. I don’t wish to depend on any medication should my anxiety attacks get more frequent. I reached out to Mandd and book a session with him. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if just one session will help. But it did. Mandd professionalism and skills impresses me deeply. I felt very comfortable, yet still very much in control throughout the session. I didn’t realised our subconscious mind can be so powerful. I highly recommend hypnotherapy to everyone. Unlike what we read or have seen in the movie, hypnotherapy is definitely very safe and with mandd’s guiding through the session, I feel totally at ease therefore could focus well on the therapy. Now I feel much calmer and didn’t have any anxiety attacks since the session. A big, Thank you to Mandd!


“Mandd’s hypnotherapy is very effective to conquer my fear. It told me how much fear I had held on and how can I deal with it. It doesn’t mean I need to avoid my fear, but I can manage it. Since some fear does not go away, people try to ignore or avoid to see it, but it is not conquering. He has a very soft voice and his instruction is simple and clear. I recommend his hypnotherapy if you want to clear your fear and mind! Another thing I want to share is when I practiced Kapotasana yoga, which is still challenging for me. normally I will be bit worry and less confidence. But after I try to bring back the positive symbol I saw in the hypnosis session as per suggested, that negative image decreased. Though my posture still needs improvement but my mentality changed”


“Mandd is an excellent facilitator of hypnotherapy. It’s something I’m totally new to. But in a short casual catch up over Zoom, he was able to give a concise explanation and demonstration of what it was. Contrary to what we often think, it’s not about the therapist controlling the person’s mind. But Mandd has shown that it’s about him guiding me to understand myself and find answers for my own challenges, without me having to disclose any personal information. Certainly gave me a fresh perspective of what hypnotherapy is, how simple and effective it can be. And certainly how gifted and people-oriented Mandd is in what he does. Would highly recommend him.”

Peter Tan

“I thoroughly enjoyed Mandd’s hypnosis session. My intention to take this session was to overcome confusion. I needed to make some career choices and I needed a firmed up mind in order to do that. While all answers lie within us. Often tools like hypnosis help us to visit those answers. Mandd is an effective hypnosis practitioner who knows how to be suggestive enough to take a client in deep hypnosis and yet not influences their reflection process and inner journey while they are hypnotized. He was very generous to offer me an extra session when I told him that i was feeling very sleepy after the session. I really benefited from the session as it helped me to find some answers. He also made me very comfortable before the session started. I will certainly take another session from him soon.”

Vani Khare

“I have had insomnia for awhile and have been relying on relaxation medication to sleep. However, I always end up having disturbing dreams and wake up feeling sluggish. Knowing that longterm meditation is harmful for my body. I have decided to try alternative methods to have a more restful sleep. When Mandd first shared about hypnosis, I was full of doubts and to be honest abit fearful too. However, I have decided to give it a go and to my surprise through Mandd safe guidance, I am able to relax and focus during the session and that night I finally had a peaceful sleep! I highly recommend anyone with the same issue to sign up for a session with Mandd.”


“I do not know what is hypnosis before the session with Mandd. I know that I have confidence issue and have been trying to work on it for some time but somehow need more higher support to clear it. Am a being who prefer to feel and direct experience rather than reading reviews or hearsay people’s feedback. Mandd is a calm, caring, understanding and intuitive spiritual healer. He guided me through the regression and assisted me to overcome my deepest layers of inner child wounds that has been impacted me since l was 5 years old. It was a magical 30 mins healing session. I could immediately feel much lighter and no more feeling sadness nor tension in my solar plexus after the hypnosis. I would recommend anyone who wants to resolve any issues or looking for answers to connect with Mandd for the hypnosis session. Thank you Mandd for the amazing healing session. With abundance of Loving-Kindness, Doreen🔮✨”

Doreen Leow

I had been trying to overcome grief for the past 9 years. And all the incidents that happened after that, I was suffering in silence. This affected my work and personal life a lot. Self blamed a lot, panic attacks at work. Seeing the pain eating me from the inside, I decided to seek professional help. I was looking for a therapist and Mandd immediately approached me after request. He patiently explained how he would help me. I felt very reassured. Had the 1st session with Mandd, he was able to make me understand the procedure and the process was very smooth. The results were beyond words. I never felt this good and the thoughts just vanished and he taught me how to calm myself when I felt one kind. That helped me a lot. After the session, he kept in touch with me to see how I'm doing and all. I am sure with the future sessions with Mandd, I will be able to return to my confident self again. Looking forward to my future sessions with Mandd..


the ABC of negative subconscious imprinting

Negative belief and subconscious imprinting can happen to all of us. Let me share with you an illustration of how negative belief and subconscious imprinting actually happens in our life.

Negative subconscious imprinting, such as trauma, panic attack, phobia, anxiety, PTSD and others, can be explained with ABC

A : Activating Event.

Activating event is an event that triggers the negative experience. For example: a mother saying “why do you always repeat the same mistake!” or “you are so stupid!!!”

B : Belief

The Belief which we subconsciously imprint into our mind based on an activating event. For example, when a child repeatedly listens to his mother’s hurtful comments like “you are stupid!!!” etc, he will draw an irrational belief that he is not good enough, or his mother doesn’t love him.

C : Causality of the irrational belief.

Based on the irrational belief that we installed in our subconscious mind, it will result in a causality effect in our life. From the above example, the child may then grow up to become an extreme perfectionist who always seek the approval of others to justify the feeling that he is not good enough, or he may distance himself from this mother because he feels that she does not love him.

In reality, this belief may be totally wrong. It could be that his mother is acting out because she has high stress from her job, OR that her parents treated her the same way when she was young and she believes that scolding her child is the only way her child can do better in life. 

Such negative Causality effects to our life are imprinted subconsciously inside of us and their intensity can increase each time we experience subsequent similar activating events. 

Many times, when we experience negative traumas like panic attack, anxiety, PTSD, etc, we do not consciously know WHY it is happening to us until the negative emotions have grown exponentially in effect.

May then, it will be harder to seek therapy and counseling help to clear these deep-rooted causes. We may even have forgotten the activating events and the irrational belief that has been subconsciously imprinted on us.

In MiracleOfMinds, our therapy will help you get clarity and release your pent-up negative emotions, and misconception attached to the activating event of your past. As a result, you will naturally break free from the trauma that has been holding you back from living your life to the fullest.

We would invite you to live your life now… an appointment scheduler will be emailed to you when you make your order with us to book your session. 

Our values

Realigning subconscious

We help you solve your issue from the root cause of your problem by realigning your subconscious level.

Safe environment

We create a safe, nonjudgmental environment in our therapy. You can bring someone you trust into the session if it makes you comfortable.

Private and confidential

You don't have to share private or uncomfortable information for the therapy to work. We kept the session information confidential.​

Efficient yet comfortable

We help you break free from your issue as efficient as possible according to your pace

Holistic therapy

We help you holistically and ecologically through the power of your subconscious mind and with 0 medications.


On top of breaking free from your problem, we also aim for you not to depend on therapy to enjoy your life.​

I want to break free now

I want to have a brief talk before I decide

Because we understand some people need certain therapy at certain stage. We would love to have a short talk with you to understand more about your situation. If we feel that we are not suitable to guide you at your current stage, we will recommend you to other professional who will be more suitable for your stage.

My contact

Contrary to what you’ve seen in movies, hypnosis involves a lot more than traveling into a trancelike state after looking into someone’s eyes.

During a hypnosis session, you undergo a process that helps you relax and focus your mind. This state is similar to sleep, but your mind will be very focused and more able to respond to suggestion.

While in this relaxed state, it’s believed that you’re more willing to focus on your subconscious mind. This allows you to explore some of the deeper issues you’re dealing with.

Hypnotherapy sessions may be used to:

  • explore repressed memories, such as abuse
  • instill a desire for healthy habits that can lead to weight loss
  • help to relax and reprogram an anxious brain

The practitioner, or therapist, is there to help guide this process. They aren’t there to control your mind.

1. It helps you enter the subconscious:

First, we drop down from the conscious mind, which is only 10% of the mind into the subconscious mind. Now we are addressing the whole person, 100% of the mind rather than just treating the symptoms.

2. It helps you identify the "unfinished business".

People often have what Dr. Fritz Perls called “unfinished business” with whatever has been lost, be it a loved one, a job, or a home. These unresolved feelings, such as resentments, regrets, blame, anger, guilt, jealousy, and fear are stored in the body and must be released as soon after the triggering event as possible. Otherwise they become deeply buried beneath the numbness created by the anti-depressant drugs, the addictive behavior, and the concurrent repression that occurs when trauma and grief go untreated. Clinical hypnotherapy works for depression because it removes the underlying basis of depression and completes the unfinished business that otherwise continues to recycle as self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors.

3. It helps you "finish" the "unfinished business" and release the stored emotions/experiences.

With hypnotherapy, we can go down to the deepest level of these traumatic experiences, memories and stored emotions to release them from the mind and body. When this hypnotherapy process is completed, the client reports that their depression has lifted, that they have stopped the compulsive thoughts or behavior, and that they are ready to resume living their lives again.

4. It helps you replace the trauma with positivity.

With each healing session of clinical hypnotherapy, we can replace the fearful repetitive thoughts that often haunt people following a traumatic experience. Positive affirmations now work because the underlying emotional release has been accomplished.

5. It helps you use the power of hypnotic suggestion to create long-term improvement.

Hypnotherapy provides an effective way to access the individual’s ability to affect the physical body. Once self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors have been resolved, the individual can begin to use hypnotic suggestibility to improve the body’s functioning. Hypnotherapy can be very helpful in correcting patterns of restless sleep, low energy or libido, headaches or chronic pain. And one can use hypnotherapy to increase motivation to exercise and eat properly.

Stress can affect all aspects of your life, including your emotions, behaviors, thinking ability, and physical health. No part of the body is immune. But, because people handle stress differently, symptoms of stress can vary. Symptoms can be vague and may be the same as those caused by medical conditions.

  • Becoming easily agitated, frustrated, and moody
  • Feeling overwhelmed, like you are losing control or need to take control
  • Having difficulty relaxing and quieting your mind
  • Feeling bad about yourself (low self-esteem), lonely, worthless, and depressed
  • Avoiding others
  • Low energy
  • Headaches
  • Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea
  • Aches, pains, and tense muscles
  • Chest pain and rapid heartbeat
  • Insomnia
  • Frequent colds and infections
  • Loss of sexual desire and/or ability
  • Nervousness and shaking, ringing in the ear, cold or sweaty hands and feet
  • Dry mouth and difficulty swallowing
  • Clenched jaw and grinding teeth
  • Constant worrying
  • Racing thoughts
  • Forgetfulness and disorganization
  • Inability to focus
  • Poor judgment
  • Being pessimistic or seeing only the negative side
  • Changes in appetite -- either not eating or eating too much
  • Procrastinating and avoiding responsibilities
  • Increased use of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes
  • Exhibiting more nervous behaviors, such as nail biting, fidgeting, and pacing

A little stress now and then is not something to be concerned about. Ongoing, chronic stress, however, can cause or exacerbate many serious health problems, including:

  • Mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and personality disorders
  • Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, heart attacks, and stroke
  • Obesity and other eating disorders
  • Menstrual problems
  • Sexual dysfunction, such as impotence and premature ejaculation in men and loss of sexual desire in both men and women
  • Skin and hair problems, such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema, and permanent hair loss
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as GERD, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, and irritable colon

Anxiety and panic attacks have similar risk factors. These include:

  • experiencing trauma or witnessing traumatic events, either as a child or as an adult
  • experiencing a stressful life event, such as the death of a loved one or a divorce
  • experiencing ongoing stress and worries, such as work responsibilities, conflict in your family, or financial woes
  • living with a chronic health condition or life-threatening illness
  • having an anxious personality
  • having another mental health disorder, such as depression
  • having close family members who also have anxiety or panic disorders
  • using drugs or alcohol

People who experience anxiety are at an increased risk of experiencing panic attacks. However, having anxiety doesn’t mean you will experience a panic attack.



  • Anxiety is typically related to something that’s perceived as stressful or threatening. Panic attacks aren’t always cued by stressors. They most often occur out of the blue.
  • Anxiety can be mild, moderate, or severe. For example, anxiety may be happening in the back of your mind as you go about your day-to-day activities. Panic attacks, on the other hand, mostly involve severe, disruptive symptoms.
  • During a panic attack, the body’s autonomous fight-or-flight response takes over. Physical symptoms are often more intense than symptoms of anxiety.
  • While anxiety can build gradually, panic attacks usually come on abruptly.
  • Panic attacks typically trigger worries or fears related to having another attack. This may have an effect on your behavior, leading you to avoid places or situations where you think you might be at risk of a panic attack.