Many of us have heard the phrase “you can’t change who you are” from others, or we may have trapped ourselves in this limiting mindset. But is it really true that we can’t change who we are?
At first glance, it may seem like we are stuck with our personalities, but the truth is, we all wear different masks of personalities in our daily lives. We behave differently when we’re at work compared to when we’re having a casual meetup with friends. We talk and act differently when we meet potential clients, family members, strangers, and friends. This indicates that we do, in fact, change depending on the situation and environment we find ourselves in.
Furthermore, even on a biological level, we are constantly changing. Scientists have proven that we do not have the same cells as we did one month ago. So, if we can change biologically, why do we believe that we cannot change behaviorally or psychologically?
Every behavior, habit, and mindset that we have is not accidental or random but a result of our perception of what has happened in our lives. Self-sabotage, addiction, and other unpleasant habits or mindsets are imprinted inside of us due to what we think happened to us in the past.
For example, imagine someone who was rejected by their parents during childhood. This person could either develop low self-esteem or become a high achiever. If the person develops low self-esteem, their subconscious mind creates a protection behavior by shielding them from others and preventing them from having deep relationships with friends and family.
The person might then think that if someone is a true friend, they must accept who they are. This is who they are, and they will not be able to change. However, if we help this person release their past baggage, will they still be the same person? This is how I approach my clients who come to me for help. Instead of pointing them in a specific direction or judging their choices, I help them release what needs to be released and let them transform based on their own vision of a better self.
If you believe that you can’t change who you are, but you want to improve yourself, I invite you to contact me at for a free discovery talk. During our talk, I can understand your goals and clarify any questions you may have.
So, to sum up, we are not the same person we were a month ago, biologically or behaviorally. We are constantly changing, and if we release our past baggage, we can transform into a better version of ourselves.